Instead of reviewing our agendas and giving our updates, our entire leadership team had a three hour prayer meeting and encountered the presence of God. Most of us quit today... We resigned from doing things as we've done them in the past, to our old ways and to anything that has become chaff in our lives.
As I was in a place of surrender, I was asking the Lord to enlighten the eyes of my understanding.
Ezra 9:8 says: "And now for a little while grace has been shown from the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a peg in His holy place, that our God may enlighten our eyes and give us a measure of revival in our bondage."
I thought to myself, well I'm not in bondage... But really when I stopped to think about my life, I realized that I had many idols. I saw clearly areas of my life and things that I have done - on my own - in His name.
We create idols when we place others, things, or ourselves, in a place where only God should be. I actually started seeing myself as the candle burning out, on both ends, at late hours for all the wrong reasons.
So, I challenge you now... to resign from your own ways, to look at your life and review what you do and why you do it. Resign from your titles, from your gifts, from your personality, and from any area that takes the place that you should give to your Beloved.
Only then can your really be free.