Monday, January 11, 2010


Way before 11:59pm on December 31, 2009, I was hearing a few things for me personally. Some by personal revelation, some from others. With open hands I received and here is what I got.

In 2010:
1. Do NOT bury your dreams.
2. Have COURAGE to re-invent yourself.
3. Do NOT be a copy-cat.
4. Get your stuff in order... I know people say HOUSE in order, but for me it's not just my house, it's just STUFF. You know what I mean...
5. Bring order in your finances. (This one is fully loaded. No explanation needed.)
6. Doors will be opened, some with keys and some will be automatic doors. You just need to walk up to them.
7. Continue to believe and breathe on your children's dreams.
8. Strengthen relationships.
9. Write and write and write some more.
10. Believe in your prophetic gift and don't second guess yourself.

I've made excuses the last few days, and now I'm jumping off the cliff! Here I come 2010!!


What's the first thing you think of when you picture a butterfly? The colors, the way it graciously floats in the air, the elusiveness of this beautiful creature. How many times have you seen a butterfly and have tried to touch it or catch it and just as you reach over, it flutters away. Leaving you looking at it as it goes to it's next stop. Have you considered how much you and I are so much like her?
I was in that state of almost awake, but still asleep a few days ago, and I was thinking about butterflies. So, I just stayed there for a moment in stillness and considered the butterfly. I remembered it's symbolism in a movie and how the main character of that movie chose to die to save the human race. Then as I decided to fully awake, I turned the television on. A few moments after that, they were talking about butterflies. I immediately thought.... there's a thread here...

We know that the butterfly has been through a transformation. It started as a caterpillar, who has burrowed in a cocoon and through the struggle of fighting out of that cocoon becomes beautiful and colorful. This makes me think, woah, that's so much like me. Even in my current state, I can think of many areas of my life where I am struggling. To know that when I come out of this struggle, the beauty of the victory is going to be like my beautiful wings that carry me over.

So, today, I embrace my struggles. I embrace the process of my transformation and I look forward to the flight that will soon follow.