Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Look, look… then look again.

You can hear so much when you listen to people talk about their day, at the end of the day.

What went right, what went wrong, what they finished, and how much they have to do tomorrow.

I wonder how much we actually listen to ourselves talk… Maybe it’s time to sit still, listen and be thankful.

In January of 2007 the Lord spoke a word to me:

“This year you will turn your losses into gain, you will find gain in all of your losses and you will look and see depth.”

I’m sure that if I really took the time, I could list the losses and the gains and all the stuff I saw during those 1,000+ days…

Today, I just want to say: “Thanks God!” for the tears, for the laughs, for the days.

“Likewise I, God will comfort Zion, comfort all her mounds of ruins. I’ll transform her dead ground into Eden, her moonscape into the garden of God, A place filled with exuberance and laughter, thankful voices and melodic songs.” Isaiah 51:3 MSG